%if;(evar.v>0)[to the %s generation:::xxx]%nn;%end;
%if;not cancel_links;
%if;(evar.only!="on" and evar.v!=0)[*descendants]%else;
%self;%end;%else;%self; ([no descendants])%end;
%if;(cancel_links and evar.v!=0) %apply;togend(evar.v)%end;
%if;not cancel_links;
%if;(wizard and not cancel_links)
%let;symb;%if;("yyy"="birth")°%elseif;("yyy"="death" and xxx.is_dead)†%end;%in;
%if;(evar.yyy="on" and famx=1)
%if;(wizard and not cancel_links)
%if;(evar.yyy_place="on" and famx=1)
si t=H on active rowspan pour les données de l’individu et du couple
si t=I on affiche pas les données
xxx est la personne concernée (self)
zzz est lui même si yyy="desc", ou son conjoint si yyy="spous"
%define;table_row(xxx, prefx, fff, fam_cnt, ch_cnt, ch_count, yyy, zzz, ddd, nb_ch_desc, implx)
%let;famx;%if;(not has_families or evar.t="I")1%else;fam_cnt%end;%in;
%let;rowspan;%if;(nb_families>1 and evar.t="H" and
(evar.marr="on" or evar.marr_date="on" or evar.marr_place="on"
or evar.child="on")) rowspan="%xxx.nb_families;"%end;%in;
%( numéro d'Aboville %)
%if;(evar.num="on" and famx=1)
%if;(labl!=1 and not cancel_links)
%if;("ch_cnt"="1" and not cancel_links)%end;
%if;("ch_cnt"="1" and not cancel_links)%end;
%if;(not cancel_links)
%if;(has_families and nb_families>1)%apply;letter(family_cnt)%else; %end;%nn;
%if;(not cancel_links)
%( Descendant et son conjoint en mode I %)
%if;(evar.title="on" and xxx.title!=""), %xxx.title;%end;
%if;(evar.image!="off" and xxx.has_image)

%if;(evar.image!="off" and xxx.has_image)

%if;(evar.title="on" and xxx.title!=""), %xxx.title;%end;
%( Date de naissance %)
%( Lieu de naissance %)
%( Date de baptême %)
%( Lieu de baptême %)
%( En mode H, conjoints %)
%if;(evar.marr="on" and evar.t="H")
%( Date de mariage %)
%let;rowspan; rowspan="%if;(evar.t="I" and zzz.nb_families=1)2%else;1%end;"%in;
%if;((nb_families=1 and "yyy"="desc") or (nb_families>1 and
((xxx.spouse=zzz and (ddd=family.index)) or
(xxx=zzz and family_cnt=fam_cnt and evar.t="H"))))
%if;(wizard and not cancel_links)
%if;(slash_marriage_date != "")%slash_marriage_date;%else;
%if;(evar.t="I" and nb_families>1 and "yyy"="desc")
%( Lieu de mariage %)
%let;rowspan; rowspan="%if;(evar.t="I" and zzz.nb_families=1)2%else;1%end;"%in;
%if;((nb_families=1 and "yyy"="desc") or
(nb_families>1 and
((xxx.spouse=zzz and ddd=family.index) or
(xxx=zzz and family_cnt=fam_cnt and evar.t="H"))))
%if;(marriage_place != "")
%if;(evar.t="I" and nb_families>1 and "yyy"="desc")
%( Calcul nombre total d'enfants %)
%( Calcul nombre d'enfants de l'époux %)
%( Nombre d'enfants %)
%let;rowspan; rowspan="%if;(evar.t="I" and zzz.nb_families=1)2%else;1%end;"%in;
%if;((nb_families=1 and "yyy"="desc") or (nb_families>1 and
((xxx.spouse=zzz and (ddd=family.index)) or
(xxx=zzz and family_cnt=fam_cnt and evar.t="H"))))
%if;(nb_children>0 and not cancel_links)%end;
%if;("yyy"="desc" and evar.t="I")
%nb_ch_tot_desc;%if;(nb_ch_tot_desc!=nb_ch_tot_spous)/%nb_ch_tot_spous;%(!! nb_ch_tot_spous is wrong: gives father total of children?! %)%end;
%if;(nb_children>0 and not cancel_links)%end;
%if;(evar.t="I" and nb_families>1 and "yyy"="desc")
%nb_ch_tot_desc; |
%( Date du décès %)
%( Lieu de naissance %)
%( Date de la sépulture %)
%( Lieu de la sépulture %)
%( Âge %)
%if;(evar.age="on" and famx=1)
%( Profession %)
%if;(evar.occu="on" and famx=1)
%define;one_child(xxx, prefx, fff, ch_cnt)
%( Les enfants d'une personne sont numérotés de 1 à n indépendamment du nombre de mariages %)
%prfx; %apply;image_MF("xxx")
%apply;link%with;%xxx.access;%and;%xxx.first_name; %xxx.surname;%nn;%and;%xxx.index;%end;%nn;
%if;(wizard and not cancel_links)
%if;(slash_marriage_date != "")%slash_marriage_date;%else;%end;%nn;
%apply;link%with;%xxx.spouse.access;%and;%xxx.spouse.first_name; %xxx.spouse.surname;%and;%xxx.index;%end;%nn;
%if;(count1=0 or count2=0 or evar.implx="")
%apply;table_row("xxx", prfx, fff, family_cnt, "ch_cnt", count, "desc", "xxx", family.index, nb_children, count1+count2)
%if;(count1=0 or evar.implx="")
%apply;table_row("xxx", prfx, fff, family_cnt, "ch_cnt", count, "desc", "xxx", 0, nb_children, count1)
%if;(evar.marr="on" or evar.marr_date="on" or evar.marr_place="on" or evar.child="on")
%if;(count1=0 or count2=0 or evar.implx="")
%apply;table_row("xxx.spouse", prfx, fff, family_cnt, "ch_cnt", count, "spous", "xxx", family.index, nb_children, count1+count2)
%if;(count1=0 or evar.implx="")
%apply;table_row("xxx", prfx, fff, "", "ch_cnt", count, "desc", "xxx", 0, 0, count1)
%define;families_of_one_p(xxx, prefx)
%let;fam;%if;(evar.num="on" and nb_families>1)%apply;letter(family_cnt)%end;%in;
one family: #labl |
%apply;one_child("xxx", "prefx", "fam", child_cnt)
%( d’Aboville %)
%define;list_row(xxx, prefx, fam_cnt, ch_cnt)
%apply;link%with;%xxx.access;%and;%xxx.first_name; %xxx.surname;%and;%xxx.index;%end;%nn;
%if;(xxx.title!=""), %xxx.title;%end;
%if;(wizard and not cancel_links)
%if;(marriage_date.year != "")%marriage_date.year;%else;%end;%nn;
%and;%xxx.spouse.first_name; %xxx.spouse.surname;%and;%xxx.spouse.index;
%if;(xxx.spouse.title!=""), %xxx.spouse.title;%end;
%( (%xxx.nb_children;
%if;(1=0 or 1=0 and xxx.spouse.has_families and xxx.spouse.nb_children
%apply;one_person("child", lv+1, max_l, nnnpref, nfam, child_cnt)
%apply;list_row("xxx", nnpref, fam_cnt, ch_cnt)
%( Parcours de l'arbre, horizontal, niveau par niveau descendant %)
%( A chaque niveau, prefx et faml (lettre) définissent le préfixe d'Aboville %)
%define;one_level(xxx, lv, max_l, prefx, faml, ch_cnt)
%apply;one_level("child", lv+1, max_l, npref, fam, child_cnt)
%apply;families_of_one_p("self", npref)
%( Main %)
%apply;one_person("self", 0, evar.v, "", 0, 0)
%empty_sorted_list; %( persons %)
%empty_sorted_listb; %( families %)
%empty_sorted_listc; %( descendants %)
%apply;one_child("self", "-1", "", 1)
%if;(evar.gen="on" and lev
[*generation/generations]0 %expr(lev+1)
%apply;one_level("self", 0, lev, "", "", 1)
%apply;one_child("self", "-1", "", 1)
%apply;one_level("self", 0, evar.v-1, "", "", 1)
[*total][:] %if;(evar.only="on")%apply;desc_count_l%with;%evar.v;%end; [descendants] (%count; [person/persons]1 [with] [spouse/spouses]1)
%else;%apply;desc_count(max_desc_level) [descendants] %if;(evar.marr="on" or evar.t="I")(%count; [person/persons]1 [with root, spouses and unknowns])%end;