%include;favicon %include;css %include;hed %message_to_wizard;

%nn; [*update]:
%first_name; .%if;(first_name = "?" or surname = "?")%index;%else;%occ;%end; %surname;


[*update family]

%if;(has_families and nb_families > 1)

[*select a spouse]

%end; %if;((first_name = "?" or surname = "?") and (nb_families != 0 or has_parents)) %elseif;(not is_male and not is_female) [*add mariage(s)] ([M/F]0) [*add mariage(s)] ([M/F]1) %else; [*add mariage(s)] %end;

%apply;married_to%with;%self.sex;%and; %if;(marriage_place = "") %if;(on_marriage_date = "") %else;%on_marriage_date; %end; %else; %if;(on_marriage_date = "")%marriage_place; %else;%on_marriage_date;, %marriage_place %end; %end; %end;


[*child/children]1 :

  • %apply;image_MF("child") %apply;short_display_person("child")
  • %end;
%if;(has_families and nb_families > 1)
[*display this marriage in this order]
%hidden; %let;curr_fam_cnt;%family_cnt;%in;

%foreach;family; %if;(family_cnt != 1) [*invert]
%if;(family.father.index = prev_family.father.index and family.mother.index = prev_family.mother.index) %nn; [*merge::]
%end; %end; %nn; [*modify::family/families]0%if;(nb_families = 1) %end; [with] %spouse.first_name;.%spouse.occ; %spouse.surname;
%nn; [*delete::family/families]0 [with] %spouse.first_name;.%spouse.occ; %spouse.surname;
%if;((first_name = "?" or surname = "?") and (nb_families != 0 or has_parents)) %elseif;(not is_male and not is_female) %nn; [*add::marriage/marriages]0 ([M/F]0)
%nn; [*add::marriage/marriages]0 ([M/F]1)
%else; %nn; [*add::marriage/marriages]0
%end; %if;(nb_children != 0)
[*change children's names] %end; %if;has_possible_duplications;
%sq; [*merge::possible duplications] %end;
%define;hint(xx) [*to add a child to a family, use "%s":::xx] %end; %if;(nb_families != 0)


%end; %include;trl %include;copyr